Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Justice System And African Americans - 990 Words

Many people believe that Whites are treated better than minorities. I agree with this opinion, however; I believe that the justice system favors Whites more than African-Americans. Throughout history it shows that the criminal justice system was never in place to serve and protect every human being. When slavery was legal the criminal justice system created laws to enslave human beings. It is not a surprise that the justice system does not work in favor with African-Americans because it has never worked in our favor. The legal system only benefits those of White people. There is a table that is in the article Discrimination or Disparity it was research collected in 2006, but it stills shows the difference between Whites and Blacks the table shows that the vast population in the United States is Caucasians not African-Americans. Caucasians have a high arrest rate, yet Blacks have a higher incarceration rate. This data goes to show that all arrest does not result in being incarcerated. Reading the table puts a question in my mind about the criminal justice system. Is there systematic discrimination in our criminal justice system in all places at all times? Is there discrimination from the time minorities are arrested to the time they are incarcerated? There are disparities in outcomes in the justice system. For example, there are more African-Americans sentenced to prison more than Whites due to bail or pretrial release to defendants base on it currently employed- (SamuelShow MoreRelatedThe Justice System Of African Americans1839 Words   |  8 PagesWithin the US justice system, there is a substantial disparity between the aggregate number of African American men living within the society, and living inside prison walls. African Americans men are frequently confronted with difficult environmental, financial and sociological disparities growing up, and also have the absence of opportunity weighing them down as well. Many of these factors have lead to outrageous numbers of African American males being incarcerated. Furthermore, the prejudicialRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Justice System1090 Words   |  5 Pagesbe cheated by the justice system. Today it is perfectly legal to discriminate against criminals in nearly all the w ays that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans(Alexander). The justice system in America was set up to protect citizens while upholding social control and deterring crime. But the poor guidance within the system has caused racial disparities to persist at every level of the U.S. criminal justice system. All across the country, African Americans receive racial discriminationRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System Essay1688 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many ways the criminal justice system plays a huge role in the discrimination against all people of color. Mostly, there are a wide range of studies within the African American communities that expresses concern, prejudice, and even racial profiling in the criminal justice system pertaining to blacks. Judges, jurors, police officers, and even marriages are key roles of the societal disadvantages African Americans have. African Americans are even being arrested more than any other race inRead M oreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1542 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction African American males are overrepresented in the criminal justice and many times are subject to harsher sentences than their Caucasian counterparts. African American males also experience racial profiling and have more negative interactions than any other population in the United States. Ibie, Obie, and Obiyan states, â€Å"African Americans have continued to be the repository for American crime and to be treated as amalgamation of presumed group trait rather than as individuals†. 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Observers had indeed noted that black defendants get more severe sentencing than white defendants do (Spohn, 1981). For many years’ social scientist has examined this theory and came up with three explanations, racial discrimination, Wealth discrimination, andRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1394 Words   |  6 Pagesbiases within a myriad of institutions. One of these institutions which have policies which negatively affect minorities is the criminal justice system. There is an overrepresentation of African Americans and Latinos within prisons. Discrimination and prejudice have morphed throughout time to continue to keep individual without power. There are more African American adults in prison or jail, on probation or paroleà ¢â‚¬â€than were enslaved in 1850 (Alexander. New Jim Crow.) Through the history of this countryRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System For African Americans1874 Words   |  8 Pagesover the past decade or so is the criminal justice system being against African Americans, but to be more specific is the criminal justice system being against African American males. The incarceration rate and the number of police brutality cases have been at all time high rises and the overall treatment African Americans receive from the criminal justice system. There have been numerous amounts of cases that have come to face dealing with African Americans and law enforcement. The types of cases thatRead MoreAfrican American Culture s Justice System993 Words   |  4 PagesSince the 17th century, African Americans have been ridiculed, devalued, and oppressed. To be more exact 1616 is the year that African Americans started to become an enslaved race. Slavery was just the first chapter in the book of A frican American oppression. Ever since then society has treated the black community, as if they do not belong in America. The Jim Crow laws made it so that black people were excluded from a majority of the rights and resources that were supposed to be available for everybodyRead MoreThe African-American Male and the Criminal Justice System2725 Words   |  11 PagesAfrican American Male and Crime Justice System [Authors Name] [Institutions Name] African American Male and Crime Justice System Introduction The past quarter century has seen an enormous growth in the American incarceration rate. Importantly, some scholars have suggested that the rate of prison growth has little to do with the theme of crime itself, but it is the end result of particular U.S. policy choices. Clear (2007) posits that these policy choices have had well-defined implications

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