Thursday, September 3, 2020

Denver Art museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Denver Art historical center - Essay Example Martin Plaza fills in as a fascinating center to the Civic Center Cultural Complex. The four highlighted staples here are ‘Denver Monoliths’ by Beverly Pepper, ‘Scottish angus Cow and Calf’ by Dan Ostermiller ‘Big Sweep’ by Coosje Van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg all running between 13-40 feet and inside the Hamilton Building is ‘ENGI’ by Tatsuo Miyajima directly by the El Pomar Grand Atrium (Denver Art Museum, standards. 1-4). The most interesting among these works of art for me is the 35-foot mold the ‘Big Sweep’ made by Coosje Van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg. The model is a tremendous establishment of a brush and dustpan in shading. The strands of the brush is really in a broad movement where there are bits of what has all the earmarks of being folded white paper anticipated directly into the slanted situation of the dustpan. This gives the impression of development and that the bits of garbage are really being brushed into the container and the last demonstration would involve discarding the equivalent. It is an extremely brilliant and alluring bit of workmanship with the energy of the paint hues used to finish it. The dustpan is enormous strong blue molded in a handheld sort total with an entire on the upper side of the grasp where such thing is snared onto the divider for capacity. The brush has the vibe of adaptability with its strings on generally various points in changed hues, for example, blue, dark and red. The band which holds the strand of the brush grasps it to the handle of the brush in strong yellow. The most unmistakable littler pieces of the figure are the two folded white pieces that resembles paper. On the ground surface are tidies of white which finishes the entire thought of a filthy encompassing needing cleaning. The model, with its brilliant hues and everyday intrigue, can be handily confused with fairly like a comedic piece by some other individual. To a little youngster it isn't far bring to see it as the sort of things one finds in a play area. The reality of its

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Department’s Management is Sound Free Essays

Clearly, this sort of circumstance shows absence of systems in the money related administration territory of the office. It might be conceivable that the division can give themselves all the assets they need, hence permitting them to offer good assistance that their specialty is relied upon to give. Be that as it may, past the department†s exercises of providing themselves with adequate assets, there may exist a powerlessness to screen and viably handle their money related assets. We will compose a custom paper test on The Department’s Management is Sound or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now In this way, making the office go over its spending plan. Another difficult that may exist in the division causing the over spending issue is its powerlessness to assess and consider the points of interest and impediments of each move that they make. For example, exercises, for example, recruiting of new workers might be seen by the division to be helpful for the various tasks that it handles. Be that as it may, considering the expense of recruiting new workers might be disregarded by the department†s the board. Powerlessness to settle on what is the best answer for take or failure to discover elective answers for an issue might be another quality of the office that causes over spending issue. The achievement in dealing with a division doesn't just depend and can't be estimated uniquely on how an office can play out its obligations to an organization. Rather, the estimation of a genuine effective administration are the effectiveness and exactness of the methodologies used to get fruitful. For example, designating adequate representatives to an undertaking might be useful to a venture. It might likewise be compelling a result of enough labor to finish an undertaking. In any case, is it precise and productive for the company†s cost? A downside of an excess of employees† inactive time may exist. This outcomes to the division going through cash for employees† inefficient hours. Step by step instructions to refer to The Department’s Management is Sound, Essay models

Friday, August 21, 2020

Discrimination at Work Psychological and Organizational Bases

Question: Examine about the Discrimination at work for the mental and authoritative bases. Answer: Culture and Diversity Todays associations comprise of individuals from various pieces of the world that makes a unique multiracial and multicultural association. Social assorted variety is at the most elevated point today than it has ever been (Wood Wilberger, 2015). In this manner, it is essential to comprehend the issues of social assorted variety for the drawn out endurance of the association or society all in all. A portion of the significant issues of social assorted variety are: Partiality and bias: Partiality and bias based on culture is a significant issue as it gives chances to people who has a place with a social fit gathering and preferences against people of other social personalities. Preferences can be portrayed as unjustified negative disposition towards people with various social foundations. It makes an undesirable association setting and disturbs the way of hierarchical achievement. Individuals are unmotivated and it obstructs the way of imagination (Skorinko et al., 2015). Generalizing: An association is comprised of individuals with various racial and ethnic personality. Shockingly a few people harbor out of line speculations against individuals of various hues, societies, ethnicity or religion. Generalizing places people of various foundation in a typical shape and strips the person of their character. Social generalizations limit the individual and expert advancement open door for a person in an association. It makes issues of correspondence and relational connections (Moran et al., 2014). Separation: Culture separation is prohibition, limitation or biasness focused on an individual dependent on the genuine or saw contrasts in social convictions and qualities. Separation can be as provocation, forswearing of equivalent chance, bigotries or strict narrow mindedness. For example, if an individual is required to dress in a specific way because of strict or social convictions that others discover hostile it makes the issues in the association. It prompts bewildered and unsatisfied individuals in an association and society (Dipboye Colella, 2013). References Dipboye, R. L., Colella, A. (Eds.). (2013). Segregation at work: The mental and authoritative bases. Brain science Press. Moran, R. T., Abramson, N. R., Moran, S. V. (2014). Overseeing social contrasts. Routledge. Skorinko, J. L., Lun, J., Sinclair, S., Marotta, S. A., Calanchini, J., Paris, M. H. (2015). Lessening Prejudice Across Cultures by means of Social Tuning. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(4), 363-372. Wood, V. R., Wilberger, J. S. (2015). Globalization, Cultural Diversity and Organizational Commitment: Theoretical Underpinnings. World, 6(2).

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Analyzing Levis Company Financial Ratios Assighment - 275 Words

Analyzing Levis Company Financial Ratios (Case Study Sample) Content: Levis Company Financial ratiosStudents Name:Institutional Affiliation:DepartmentCourse:Date:IntroductionLEVIS Company is considered to be a privately owned American Clothing Company that was founded in 1853 when Levi Straus visited San Francisco from Buttenheim, Bavaria CITATION Alz11 \l 1033 (Alzarouni 2011). LEVIS Company is a worldwide company that is organized into three diverse geographical divisions: LEVIS Straus Europe, LEVIS Straus America and LEVIS Straus Asia pacific that is considered to have employed approximately 16,000 staff worldwide. The company forms one of the biggest cloths suppliers in many parts of the world because of its enormous productions.Levis Straus for the financial year 2014 had revenues of $ 4,753,992 with a net income of $ 104,309 and a cash dividend paid of $ 30,003. The company has also a total asset value of $ 2,924,073 and the total shareholders fund was $ 153,243 for the same period.Ratio AnalysisThe pragmatic description of ratio analysis substantiates the concept of mathematical comparisons of accounts from financial statements CITATION Bar13 \l 1033 (Barth 2013). The relationship between the financial statements are useful to the investors, creditors and the company management to have an understanding on how well the business is performing and the areas that are in need for improvement. The analysis on ratios is articulated by categories that encompass profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage ratios and asset management ratios.Profitability ratiosProfitability ratios relate the income statement accounts and categories to substantively highlight Levis Straus aptitude to make profits from its operations. Profitability ratios usually emphasis on an entity returns on investment in inventory and other assets. This ratio therefore pragmatically highlights how well Levis Straus can realize earnings from its operations. The users can use profitability ratios to analyze Levis Straus ROI centered on its co mparative level of wealth and assets. The ratios includeReturn on EquityReturn on equity is the yielding ratio used in evaluating Levis Straus profits earned in relation with the total shareholderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s equity invested CITATION Kam10 \l 1033 (Kamath 2010). This ratio provides the pragmatic relation of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s profitability in relation to shareholder investments.Return on Equity = Net income/Total EquityReturn on Equity 2014 2013 2012 Net Income 104,309 228,136 140,959 Total Equity 153,243 171,666 (106,921) ROE 14.5% 7.5% (7.6%) Levis Straus for the financial year ended 2014 had a return on equity of 14.5%. This articulate that the investor was able to get a return of $ 0.145 for every one $ invested. The financial year recorded an increase of the ROE from the previous two years.Profit margin ratioProfit margin ratio in substantiates how well Levis Straus has accomplished the income from its operations. The profit margin ratio elucidates the fraction of sales that remain after all the expenses have been sustained CITATION Bar13 \l 1033 (Barth 2013). The usersÂsubstantivelyÂuse this ratio so as to assess how efficiently Levis Straus can translate its sales into net earnings.Profit margin ratio = Net Income/ SalesProfit margin ratio201420132012Net Income104,309228,136140,959Revenue4,753,9924,981,6914,610,193Profit margin ratio2.19%4.58%3.06% The profit margin for the entity for the year 2014 was 2.19% which was an increase compared to the previous years 2013 and 2012 of 4.58% and 3.06% respectively.Efficiency measuresEfficiency ratios pragmatically describe how well Levis Straus utilizes their assets to make profits. Efficiency ratiosÂtakes into accountÂthe time it takes Levis Straus to accumulate cash from clients or the timeÂtaken by the entityÂto convert inventory into cash CITATION Kam10 \l 1033 (Kamath 2010).Asset Turnover ratioAssets turnover ratio provides the analytical ability of Levis Straus in effec tively using the invested assets to generate revenue. The ratio provides a roadmap on the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s efficiency advancement in making use of the assets.Asset turnover ratio201420132012Revenue4,753,9924,981,6914,610,193Total assets2,924,0733,127,4183,170,077Asset turnover ratio1.6258%1.5929%1.4543% Levis Straus for the financial year ended 2014 had an asset turnover of 1.6258% which substantiates that the assets was used to generate only 1.6258% of the revenue. The ratio for the year was lesser than that of the previous two years thus implying the assets were not effectively used to generate revenue.Leverage measuresThe leverage ratios pragmatically articulate the value of equity in Levis Straus by analyzing its overall debt picture CITATION Kam10 \l 1033 (Kamath 2010). These ratios either compare debt or equity to assets as well as shares outstanding to measure the true value of the equity in the entity. The ratios includeDebt to equity ratioThe ratio heightens a measure t hat compares the total debt to total equity of Levis Straus. The ratio describes the percentage of Levis Straus finances that come from the creditors and the investors.Debt to Equity ratio201420132012Total debt1,224,0021,545,8771,729,211Total equity153,243171,666-106,921Debt to Equity ratio1.90.9-0.162 Levis Straus had a debt to equity ratio of 1.9 for the fiscal year 2014. The ratio means that for every one $ that the investor has in the company; the creditor...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Justice System And African Americans - 990 Words

Many people believe that Whites are treated better than minorities. I agree with this opinion, however; I believe that the justice system favors Whites more than African-Americans. Throughout history it shows that the criminal justice system was never in place to serve and protect every human being. When slavery was legal the criminal justice system created laws to enslave human beings. It is not a surprise that the justice system does not work in favor with African-Americans because it has never worked in our favor. The legal system only benefits those of White people. There is a table that is in the article Discrimination or Disparity it was research collected in 2006, but it stills shows the difference between Whites and Blacks the table shows that the vast population in the United States is Caucasians not African-Americans. Caucasians have a high arrest rate, yet Blacks have a higher incarceration rate. This data goes to show that all arrest does not result in being incarcerated. Reading the table puts a question in my mind about the criminal justice system. Is there systematic discrimination in our criminal justice system in all places at all times? Is there discrimination from the time minorities are arrested to the time they are incarcerated? There are disparities in outcomes in the justice system. For example, there are more African-Americans sentenced to prison more than Whites due to bail or pretrial release to defendants base on it currently employed- (SamuelShow MoreRelatedThe Justice System Of African Americans1839 Words   |  8 PagesWithin the US justice system, there is a substantial disparity between the aggregate number of African American men living within the society, and living inside prison walls. African Americans men are frequently confronted with difficult environmental, financial and sociological disparities growing up, and also have the absence of opportunity weighing them down as well. Many of these factors have lead to outrageous numbers of African American males being incarcerated. Furthermore, the prejudicialRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Justice System1090 Words   |  5 Pagesbe cheated by the justice system. Today it is perfectly legal to discriminate against criminals in nearly all the w ays that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans(Alexander). The justice system in America was set up to protect citizens while upholding social control and deterring crime. But the poor guidance within the system has caused racial disparities to persist at every level of the U.S. criminal justice system. All across the country, African Americans receive racial discriminationRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System Essay1688 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many ways the criminal justice system plays a huge role in the discrimination against all people of color. Mostly, there are a wide range of studies within the African American communities that expresses concern, prejudice, and even racial profiling in the criminal justice system pertaining to blacks. Judges, jurors, police officers, and even marriages are key roles of the societal disadvantages African Americans have. African Americans are even being arrested more than any other race inRead M oreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1542 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction African American males are overrepresented in the criminal justice and many times are subject to harsher sentences than their Caucasian counterparts. African American males also experience racial profiling and have more negative interactions than any other population in the United States. Ibie, Obie, and Obiyan states, â€Å"African Americans have continued to be the repository for American crime and to be treated as amalgamation of presumed group trait rather than as individuals†. ThisRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1500 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout American history, the African-American population has been in the minority, and has been persecuted for hundreds of years. What Taylor-Thompson is stating is that African-Americans usually hold the minority in court decisions as well, which poses a problem due to the majority overriding their vote. Due to the racial tensions, the judicial system ultimately changed in order to include more minoriti es in juries, however it was lopsided during the Simpson trial. During the tumultuous 1990sRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Juvenile Justice System1248 Words   |  5 PagesRace and Sentencing It has been brought up that certain race and ethic affects a person’s sentencing. Many studies have addressed the question are African Americans treated more severely than similarly situated whites? (Mitchell, 2005). Observers had indeed noted that black defendants get more severe sentencing than white defendants do (Spohn, 1981). For many years’ social scientist has examined this theory and came up with three explanations, racial discrimination, Wealth discrimination, andRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1394 Words   |  6 Pagesbiases within a myriad of institutions. One of these institutions which have policies which negatively affect minorities is the criminal justice system. There is an overrepresentation of African Americans and Latinos within prisons. Discrimination and prejudice have morphed throughout time to continue to keep individual without power. There are more African American adults in prison or jail, on probation or paroleà ¢â‚¬â€than were enslaved in 1850 (Alexander. New Jim Crow.) Through the history of this countryRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System For African Americans1874 Words   |  8 Pagesover the past decade or so is the criminal justice system being against African Americans, but to be more specific is the criminal justice system being against African American males. The incarceration rate and the number of police brutality cases have been at all time high rises and the overall treatment African Americans receive from the criminal justice system. There have been numerous amounts of cases that have come to face dealing with African Americans and law enforcement. The types of cases thatRead MoreAfrican American Culture s Justice System993 Words   |  4 PagesSince the 17th century, African Americans have been ridiculed, devalued, and oppressed. To be more exact 1616 is the year that African Americans started to become an enslaved race. Slavery was just the first chapter in the book of A frican American oppression. Ever since then society has treated the black community, as if they do not belong in America. The Jim Crow laws made it so that black people were excluded from a majority of the rights and resources that were supposed to be available for everybodyRead MoreThe African-American Male and the Criminal Justice System2725 Words   |  11 PagesAfrican American Male and Crime Justice System [Authors Name] [Institutions Name] African American Male and Crime Justice System Introduction The past quarter century has seen an enormous growth in the American incarceration rate. Importantly, some scholars have suggested that the rate of prison growth has little to do with the theme of crime itself, but it is the end result of particular U.S. policy choices. Clear (2007) posits that these policy choices have had well-defined implications

Heart Healthy Diet free essay sample

Not Just for Those with Existing Heart Disease Teaching Project Ashley Page Fort Hays State University Heart Healthy Diet: Not Just For Those with Existing Heart Disease A heart healthy should be followed by the general population and not those with just heart disease. Men, women, children, adolescents, middle aged, and elderly can all benefit from eating healthy. If the heart healthy diet is followed properly it may decrease risk of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. The audience that I plan on educating regarding a heart healthy diet is people who do not have documented heart disease but may have risk factors including a poor diet. I will present a power point with discussion to a middle-aged African American male who presented to the emergency room with chest pain and was admitted to rule out a myocardial infarction. The patient’s wife and two children are present at the bedside. I will provide the patient and his family with education regarding a heart healthy diet prior to discharge mid-afternoon. We will write a custom essay sample on Heart Healthy Diet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Physical resources present in the patient’s room are a computer that is height adjustable on wheels, multiple power outlets, and adequate lighting. Following the presentation the learner will demonstrate increase awareness of the importance of a good diet in maintaining health and resisting disease. Following the presentation the learner will demonstrate increase in awareness of the foods which are essential to make up a balanced diet. Following the presentation the learner will be able to verbalize heart-healthy substitutions that individuals can make in order to prepare flavorful food with hypertension in mind and increase consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, oily fish, and other healthful components that can play a role in reducing risk of heart disease. Following the presentation the learner will be able to describe the role of nutrition in heart health. Introduction to a heart healthy diet will take approximately two minutes. I will begin the power point that I have created for this subject. Six questions will be asked of the learner. The pretest will take approximately seven minutes. I will then continue the power point and discuss the importance of a heart healthy diet, goals, how to eat heart healthy, basic nutrition information, diets that use heart healthy recommendations, and other ways to change ones lifestyle to become heart healthy. This discussion of the heart healthy content will take approximately ten minutes. I will then give the learner the posttest which will take approximately seven minutes. After presentation of all of the content I will then answer questions and encourage discussion regarding heart healthy diet and lifestyle. The pre and post test are both orally given. The Health Belief Model is an intrapersonal theory that â€Å"addresses a person’s perceptions of the threat of a health problem and the accompanying appraisal of a recommended behavior for preventing or managing the problem. † (McKenzie, Cottrell, Girvan, 2006). The Health Belief Model (HBM) has been commonly used to guide preventive interventions in heart health. The learner was brought to the hospital due to chest pain. Although, a myocardial infarction was ruled out the patient realizes that he is at risk of heart disease and the risk is enough to change current eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. The patient’s grandfather died due to heart disease and his mother has diabetes. The patient is receiving encouragement to start living heart healthy from family members. The patient sees that his current eating habits and sedentary lifestyle plus his family history puts him at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. The patient recognizes the benefits eating heart healthy and living a heart healthy lifestyle. These benefits include better health, decrease in heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. References: American Heart Association Nutrition Committee; Lichtenstein AH, Appel LJ, Brands M, Carnethon M, Daniels S, (2006). Diet and lifestyle recommendations revision 2006: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee. 4;114(1):82-96. Krauss R. (2007). Braunwalds Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 8th ed. Saunderschap. McKenzie, J, Cottrell, R, Girvan, J, (2006). Principles and foundations of health promotion and education. Benjamin/Cummings Pub Co. Resources: www. americanheart. org American Heart Association http://fnic. nal. usda. gov Food and Nutrition Information Center

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Why You Need Sample College Essay Topics

Why You Need Sample College Essay TopicsOne of the first things you will learn when you are studying to take the ACT College Entrance Exam is that you need to have a lot of sample college essay topics. When you start taking the test, you will have just five to eight minutes to go over the topics that are required. This can be overwhelming if you don't have plenty of different topics and chances are you won't.This is why having lots of samples for you to read and discuss is a good idea. There is nothing worse than having a blank page or an essay topic that you don't like. You might get a few extra minutes out of it, but that doesn't do you any good if you don't know what it is that you are reading.Some might think that this is a luxury, but it really isn't. They can be used to help with test prep. It doesn't have to be a long list of topics, either. A lot of them don't have to be worded in English and some of them might even be essay topics you have already written.If you are currentl y in college, you might have some examples of subjects that you would write about. You might also have an essay topic from your last class. You might want to use these as a basis for writing sample essays.It is important to remember that your sample college essay topics should be long and well-written. It shouldn't be one-liners that you can add in here and there. You will need to really put a lot of thought into it won't feel too easy.It will take you a lot of time to research the topic you are going to write about. The more you have to do the better off you will be. You also don't want to worry about a deadline because you have time to make revisions. This is another good reason to have several topics to read over.You also don't want to end up with too many topics because that will make it difficult to choose the best one. If you have a list of topics you might want to take out some of the less important ones. Then you have a longer one that you can use. Even if you didn't know ho w to write the topic, you could use a short one.As you can see, there are several reasons that you should have a good supply of sample college essay topics for you to read over. You don't want to make a list of topics and then forget to read it. You don't want a lot of time trying to choose the right one because you didn't have enough time to start with it. You don't want to waste time on a topic that you don't have to know much about, either.